The best Digital Marketing strategy is the one whose primary focus is to deliver value to the customers. Read the whole blog to know more.
“What is the best digital marketing strategy?” “Does my digital marketing strategy help me win more customers?” are some questions every company irrespective of its size keeps asking in one form or another.
This blog isn’t about giving some tricks or easy hacks that you can apply in a digital marketing strategy, as a marketing strategy is dependent on a lot of factors, and a single blog piece can’t answer all of them.
If you still want to know some strategies that could be implemented quickly without spending anything, check out the blog — easy growth strategies that you can apply for free.
However, in this blog, I will be sharing a digital marketing strategy that I have observed to work a lot. It’s majorly based on users than on the product or service being offered by the company.
In this blog piece I would be talking about:
- How keeping customers in the centre helps?
- How to keep users in the middle of your Digital Strategy?
- Involving customers while creating marketing campaigns.
- A digital strategy should be that which adapts to the user.
- Best Digital Strategy focuses more on new thinking and not just on acquiring new channels.
“Best Digital Marketing Strategy always starts with keeping users at your centre” Paul Boag, an instructor at CXL Institute.
By this, he didn’t mean market research. Market Research should always be done even in the most traditional way of marketing.
Market research aims to help you know your customers better so that you can sell them your product quickly but with such rapid growth of digital media and customers having so many options to choose from this thinking falls short.
In contrast, the user-centric digital marketing approach focuses on solving the pain points of your customers and meet their needs.
How keeping customers in the center helps?
The primary reason that best digital strategy revolves around customers is that now the customer has all the power. Gone are the times when only companies with huge capital could run marketing strategy, digital has given the power to small companies to come and disrupt the field.
On top of that, digital marketing has given the power to complain (feedback) if they’re unhappy and most have now realized that they can damage the brand.
Gone are the days when it was only about who shouts the loudest, now it solely depends upon who provides the most value and who provides the most experience.
How to keep users in the middle of your Digital Strategy?
Traditional Market Research focused more on knowing the demographics of your customers, their tastes, their age, gender, or how many cars they have. We should be focusing more on-
- What problems or questions do they have?
- What are the pain points they are struggling with?
- What are their goals, and what are they trying to achieve?
This has led many marketers to find solutions through empathy mapping, top task analysis, and mainly by trying out and running experiments.
Running successful experiments is a critical part of any growth or digital strategy, check out the article on how to run a successful experiment.
Marketers have adopted some experience from the user experience design as well. They understand the importance of building healthy relationships with customers. In my opinion, the best way to achieve it is by reaching them out, sharing content with them, and even involving them in the ideation process.
This not only helps us in understanding how the service or product will provide value to the users, but it will also help in shaping the product and make it more customer-centric.
This brings us to our next topic of discussion about how we should involve the customer in the ideation process.
Involving customers while creating marketing campaigns
In my knowledge, almost all the marketing campaigns start with someone having a bright idea that they believe will click with the customers. Hardly is that hypothesis tested or even backed with data.
Best Digital Strategy includes its customers during the whole process in some or the other way, they could be involved in the prototyping phase, ideation phase, or just casually engaging with the customers through social media channels.
The least we could do is ask them what kind of content they like and their opinions on how we should execute them. It should be a two-way conversation, not a broadcast.
An important thing to keep in mind here is that two-way communication should not only happen by listening to your customers but at the same time observing them as well.
A digital strategy should be that which adapts to the user.
Our digital marketing strategy should not only involve the users but should also adapt to them. We should be continually changing and monitoring how the users are interacting with our campaigns.
All of us know this in theory, but the reality of things is different. Sticking to the campaign once it has ended when we have various other campaigns standing at our door is usually very difficult — this way, we tend to run more experiments but hardly focus on their effectiveness.
The only way around for this problem is that the learning from our previous campaigns should be the founding pillars of our new campaigns.
We need to stop praying that our next piece of content hits the bull’s eye but instead always keep monitoring and refining our campaigns as we move ahead.
This approach applies to all the campaigns we run, whether it is your website, Facebook ads, or even an email campaign. Always launch, monitor, and refine.
Best Digital Strategy focuses more on new thinking and not just acquiring new channels
The drawback in most of the digital marketing campaigns is that in the race of acquiring more digital channels, we never change our strategies from our previous channels. Every channel has its way of presenting content to its user, and we should adapt it accordingly.
We cannot merely swap a billboard ad for a Facebook ad or TV advertising for Youtube.
The best digital marketing strategies are made by those who understand that the world has fundamentally changed and so the way we approach marketing has to radically change too. We now live in a world where we need user experience marketers as much as we need user experience designers.
Want a digital marketing plan that fits your company? Connect with me over Linkedin at Shreyansh Goel or email me at