200 + keywords in under 10 minutes for YouTube Marketing; without using any keyword research tool

YouTube popularity is growing day by day and so is the money spent by companies on it. In this blog, we’ll learn how to generate around 200 keywords for your YouTube Marketing Videos.

6 min readSep 6, 2020

In a survey done by Jumpshot, YouTube is the second most popular search engine, of course, after Google.

There are over 1.3 billion people who use YouTube on at least a weekly basis, and around 5 billion videos are watched every day.

So, it can be easily said that someone somewhere from your target audience is searching for your video or the services you provide on YouTube at this exact moment.

And if you could identify the right keyword, they are searching and optimise your content accordingly, and then your video can show up on their top results.

Credits: BackLinko

P.S: Top results means your video will get more shares, views, clicks, and comments which in all can help you in any stage of your marketing and sales funnel.

Start with moments that matters

I’ve noticed that people go on YouTube for four main reasons:-

  1. To get motivation or to be inspired. That might mean that we’re looking for specific videos, looking to be entertained, looking to be inspired by certain things, and in a study done by Tom Breeze (instructor at CXL Institute) shows that 53% of the audience on YouTube comes under this section.
  2. The next set of people are those who want to know something. They want to learn; they want to understand things in more depth. And as a result, we go to YouTube, start looking up and watching videos, and just almost exploring a particular topic.
  3. Some people are going there with a bit more purpose to say, “I want to do something in particular.” These are the tutorial star videos or when people type in how to do something. The want-to-do-type audience is again widespread on YouTube.
  4. Finally, we have, you have people who are going to buy something and have come to YouTube to be more informed before making a purchasing decision. They might be typing in reviews or this model versus this model or even unboxing videos. You’d be amazed at how many video views unboxing videos can sometimes get.

We can’t tap into the first type of audience as everyone is different and is motivated differently. Still, the next three searches, namely:- wanting to know, do the given task in hand, and buy are the key areas we usually hit.

Keep them in mind when we’re thinking about your customers in particular. You can start to understand why people would be going to YouTube, what sort of information they’re looking for. If we start from here, then it makes the users’ life so much easier because then you can create videos that address those searches as well as create offers that connect with these types of searches as well.

Source: CXL Institute

Once we have this covered then we can tap into how to find the right keywords for your videos.

How to find your customers on YouTube

So the way we do keyword research for other channels doesn’t work on YouTube.

We don’t use YouTube the way we use other search engines. For example, when we go to Google, type in a keyword, see all the results, go to a website, come back to Google, refine the search. We’re not doing that on YouTube.

On YouTube, we don’t go to the search bar that often. We tend to watch one video, continue watching another video, and we don’t go back to the search bar very often. So it’s a very different experience to something like Google, and as a result, all those keyword research tools that are out there are not that helpful.

Now, I would give you a step by step guide on how to choose correct keywords for your videos.

What we will do is reverse-engineer how people are behaving on YouTube and then work out how to get in front of people.

Step 1: Start Brainstorming:

We start to get our heads around what our customers are going there for in the first place, and with that in mind, it just guides what we do first. And what we need to do is find YouTube-friendly keywords.

Take out a pen and paper and write five keywords around what according to you, your customer wants to know, wants to do, and wants to buy. You can even take your ideal customer in your mind when going through this process.

It’s a good idea to work with somebody else on this as well because there’s a lot of different reasons why we go on to YouTube. Everyone’s got very valid opinions, and so we want to make sure we’re just collecting lots of different types of ideas that we think would be perfect to use as keywords when we get in front of our customers.

I recommend you to come up with just five keywords from this brainstorming technique. It won’t take long. These are often called the seed keywords.

Example: You’re a product based company that sells products for children under 18 months.

So, what do your customers want to know? — Parenting Tricks or Advice
What do they want to do? — Get their baby to sleep
What do they want to buy? — Baby sleep product Reviews

Step 2: Type a keyword into YouTube

Take one of the five keywords you came up with and type it into the youtube search bar and copy down the video title you find relevant for your company. What you’re looking to do is get these titles to give you inspiration for new keywords, but these are YouTube-friendly keywords. This is what people want on YouTube as they’re the most viewed videos for the respective topics.

Select five edited headlines as your keywords.

Now you have a total of 25 youtube friendly keywords. This takes us to the next and final step.

Step 3: Put the keywords into the search bar

Once you’ve put your keywords into the search bar, what you’re also going to notice when you do it the first time around is that sometimes these drop-down auto-suggest keywords come up as well.

Now, if you think about what YouTubers are doing here, they’re trying to assist you in your search, and they’re saying, based on what other people are searching here’s what might be relevant to you.

We can be swamped, and kind of be helped, by what YouTube is predicting to us as auto-suggest. While looking down the list and you might say well, there are things here that are much more relevant to what I wanted, but I didn’t think of typing it in like that, and as a result, we start clicking what’s coming up underneath the search that we’re initially typing in.

Select 8 suggestions for each keyword you have in the list.

And now finally you’ve 200 youtube friendly keywords.

These are just like ideal keywords that you think right; my customers are typing these things in

So, as promised, I didn’t use any keyword research tool and even made the whole list under 10 minutes. Once you get the hang of this method, your speed will increase significantly, and you’ll do this process in even less time.

So, in this blog, we learned:

  • Power of YouTube
  • Starting with the moments that matter
  • How to find customers on YouTube (Brainstorming, Video Titles, AutoComplete)

Thank you so much for going through this blog.

Let’s connect if you want to know more about YouTube Marketing or Growth Marketing. You can reach out to me at LinkedIn at Shreyansh Goel or email me at




Written by Shreyanshgoel

Hey, I am Shreyansh Goel, a growth hacker by profession and entrepreneur by heart. Connect with me on LinkedIn —

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